will days change?
hello blog. i'm finally here to update you.
yes, i'm still loafing at home everyday, still on holidays.
i'm still wondering, should i start sept intake or jan next year?
according to flo, the spetember intake is quite.......sad.
only 50 ppl who registered. but...should i continue wasting time?
maybe i can try working. but, can't find job.
so...back to loafing.
oh my goodness, even this blog feels no-life now.
i really wonder why they have so many things to blog about.
ching mun...lihong...xin.
their life feels colourful. so mine feels greyish.
but i still wun wanna snap my fingers on the car door and end up like lihong.
that's a bit too colourful.
and i duwana see one whole kampung too.
*read ching's blog to know what i mean*
so...grey is good?
on holidays for Japanese class too. they're moving off to North Point.
(opposite Mid Valley)
so, hols for one week and we're off to a new environment.
same people though lol.
yea...so..i think this is already quite a pointless long post.
time to stop.
.....heart, kamen