Monday, May 21, 2007


SAM students are all having their exams this week
*and 95% of my frens are in SAM*
in case you do nt know wat SAM is, its
South Australian Matriculation

meh, u must be thinking i still have 5% left rite?
those are my classmates.
they're nice people =3

back to my topic,
since they're havin exams,
they end early.
and since they end early,
they go home early.
and since they go home early,
i'll be all alone
for not just one week,
but three detesting weeks.

cuz after their exams,
they're off to holidays
*cheers* meh
and when they come back,
time for me to sit for exams.

and adding to my depression,
i miss my phone terribly.

.....heart, kamen

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