Saturday, July 19, 2008


came across this piece of news and decided to post it on my blog to share it with you guys.

Initially saw it in Panda's blog

Apparently, this Japanese sculpture guy, made a figurine of an anime-character dude which then sold for $15 million in an auction.
Thinking it was made of diamonds or wrapped with branded designers' stuff, i checked it out. Upon checking, nope, no diamonds. No designers' brand.
Totally naked dude. Nothing interesting bout it, no?
wait till you see this pic.

now i know why it's so expensively priced.
the point is: his sperm.
spiral wannn
your sperm can a not??

so now maybe i changed my mind.
since i haven't started my Law degree, maybe i should take up Art or something.
then one day, maybe i'll make some cool sculpture
which can sell for $20 million or so.
i'll be filthy rich.
hmmm, worth thinking of.

.....heart, kamen

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