Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sins Of Blogging~


Recently, a lot of bloggers are popping out of nowhere and start blogging bout themselves.

Nothing wrong, ain't it?

Yea, i agree to that, to the extent that there are some bloggers who just irritate the shit out of you.

1) Helpless Love Birds

They claim they blog. But, hello? u understand what blogging means? when u say u blog, u talk bout the ongoings in your life. you talk bout the people around you.

However, there are some people, where 98% of their posts are just about their sweetheart, sweetheart and sweetheart. For God's sake, why bombard your own blog with all ur posts with oh i love you so much my dear. darling, baby, sweetheart, muchkin, whatever.

It's my own blog mah, i write whatever i want.

yes u can say that. then don't call it a blog. It's nothing near a blog. It's your love shrine. So, let's just call it, slog instead.

2) Colourful Rainbows

Why must you make the words in your blog so colourful that it hurts the eye reading it??<br>

Tell you what, it sucks. Two or three colours are okay. But, every word?

Here's a suggestion for you, go be an artist and quit blogging.

3) Horrid English

I totally detest this. I tolerate your colours, I tolerate your lovey-ness. But not your horrible-terrible-vegetable English. For your own good, if you can't write good English, i don't blame you. but, don embarrass yourself by trying so hard to blog in English okay?

I mean, effort is good. But, why don't u just resort to typing in Chinese or Malay? It's better for you and the others reading it =)

Example: thank God end up being thanks God

today, me is... HELLO?? there's NO SUCH THING. Go back to kindergarten and learn your grammar all over again. Then perhaps, you'll have hope.

people have to spend hours trying to decipher what you're trying to say in a short post. nothing better to do meh...

4) XX Group

This also applies to Friendster. Don'tx addx allx thex postx withx XXx okayxx?? Itx isx veryx hardx forx peoplex tox readx yourx postx. AND, don't, please, DON'T make ur own English words.

me will become miie

don't kill me. oh, and example: wish me good luckzz nehxxxx.


5) French Connection United Kingdom

Curse words. They're unavoidable. So, when you wanna say FUCK, don't go FCUK. Please la, they don't need people like you to help promote their brand okay? They're already in the market, and they're good.

You want curse, you do it right. You don't know how to spell, then don't blog. lemme teach you, it's F.U.C.K.

ughh. wondering why i sound pissed? i don't know why. might be the time of the month HAHAHA! enjoy~

.....heart, kamen

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