Friday, October 24, 2008


- Easy it is to hurt someone who loves us,
Difficult it is to heal the wound….. –

- Easy is to promise something to someone,
Difficult it is to fulfill that promise. –

- Easy it is to say we love,
Difficult it is to show it every day. –
- Easy is to weep for a lost love,
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it. –

- Easy is to admire a full moon,
Difficult is to see the other side. –

- Easy is to make mistakes,
Difficult is to learn from them. –

- Easy is to receive,
Difficult is to give. –

- Easy is to break a lover’s heart,
Difficult is to mend it back. -

- Easy is to keep love with words,
Difficult is to keep it with meanings. –

had you ever missed someone so badly that it hurts you inside...?

had you ever thought through the past and thought if things weren't like that, how would it be...?

had you ever wished to forget everything just to realise how important those memories were to you...?

had you ever wanted to climb up the rooftop just to feel closer to the stars and the moon...?

*the stars will fade and the moon will disappear behind the clouds, what about you?

一人ぼっちになった私に、 何が残る....?

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