Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Can There Be A Guiding Light I Get To See?

Had you ever tried typing a whole load of stuff and not understanding a single shit you've been typing? Had you ever tried typing this whole load of shit and end up ctrl+a backspace all of them?

Had you ever?

Cuz I did. I just did. I'm too frustrated with my assignment. Had been facing it since I got home, and now - I've decided to save my work, and close my Microsoft Word, for the time being.

How I wish, I had constitutional brains like Aristotle, Montesquieu or A.V. Dicey. Then maybe I'll know everything about Consti. Haha don't ask me wtf are constitutional brains cuz I do not know. It's just some random stuff coming out from my Constitutional Law stuffed brain. Nah, it's not really stuffed cuz I still know nuts, but - it just feels that way okay. So let it be.

Okay, I changed my mind. These people are long dead. Just give me Mr. Lua's brains. That'd be enough for me to do my assignment. I promise I'll return it :(

Gosh, I think I better stop before I start freaking myself out.

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