Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Need A Life.

Finally, I'm done with my presentation for my Jap classes. F.i.n.a.l.l.y. We were all given this end-of-semester assignment (individual assignment, mind you) to work on for weeks. Each of us had to settle on one of topics given, interview someone and present it during classes. It was a tedious job.

Firstly, we had to plan our questions - which means inventing our own questions from square one. I remember I was so pissed with myself that I couldn't come up with any questions which I could present well, I then switched my topic. Then, we had to draft everything.

Next, we had to find a Japanese, or Japanese speaking person to propose our questions to - which I did. Then, we had to compile everything and draft another copy for it. This was the hard one. I've been typing and correcting it so many times that I've lost count. And now, finally it's done. Thank god it ended up well.

Guess what? We're having our end-of-term exam tomorrow. How great.

Oh, and there's just a week left till my Consti assignment is dued, and I've typed nuts. I wanna swear. I feel so guilty everyday that I've been procrastinating on this issue. And I've been whining about Consti since forever. You can't blame me when it's all about Parliament Sovereignity and Rule of Law, can you? *shifty eyes*

Okay, Imma do my Criminal notes and start studying for tomorrow... and hopefully, read up a bit on my Consti but I have this feeling I'll end up refreshing my Facebook every 5 minutes. I swear I'm so screwed, big time. I need motivation.

And did I mention that I've gained so much weight that I feel wtf-ly fat? Must be the cheeeeeese....Mmmmm.

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