Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm Sick.

As in, literally sick. Woke up with sore throat one day and here I am, sneezing my nose off. And my nose is running so badly that it burned millions of calories. Haha wtf. It's so lame that I feel that it's damn dumb. How I wished I burned those calories instead though. I'm fat fat FAT.

Will 4 days be enough for me to lose those ugly fats? I definitely hope it would.

I've been so busy recently and my assignents, they're suffocating me soon. Have been asking 3 people on their assigments.

1) One has a sexy assignment apparently.
2 One has tons of notes when I met her at the library.
3) One has started and is wondering how to do footnotes.

And I'm still stuck here whining bout it and doing nothing!

Sigh. Life will be sad till my Consti assignment is over. I've tried typing out my introduction, which I did. And the next thing I know, I've been staring at the blankscreen hoping that words will appear on its own wtf.

Oh, and did I tell you that I'm close to being broke now? I wonder if this happens to you people. Like, when you're looking for something, you just can't seem to find it. And when you've finally found it, you see it everywhere. Irritatingly everywhere.

I've finally found my dress today. Okay, actually it was the first dress I found.But I stubbornly insisted on looking around for more, but to no avail. Well, I found one. It was probably one of the best dress I've ever seen. But it would've cost me a fortune if I were to buy it, and not to mention, being slaughtered and skinned alive by my dear parents.


Thus, I shall settle with this first dress I found. What for, I shall disclose it later in the week ;-)

Back to reality, Imma mourn over it now - for my assignment and sudden great loss of cash.

别告诉他 我还想他
就让沉默 代替所有回答

无非想放下你, 还是挂念你

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