Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Day In The Heels Of A Princess

The princess loves heels, that's why.  but i wasn't wearing heels then haha

Today was the last class of our preparation classes for JLPT Level 1, and thus we had early dinner with some of the classmates and one of our teacher.

And, I've finally met ChingMun darling again, after so many months of her being MIA. I also met Whit-Ni and WaySon during dinner. yes, there's the yuan fen in us. wtf.

My blog has been so wordy recently, so let's let the pictures do the talking once in a while.

it all started with Lunch with Jonny and TT at Kim Gary's.

class pic!

well, a few already left. lol

sensei and I

thank god my ugly legs were cropped out *i know you're laughing*

we had a trial exam kinda thing before that

yea, i studied and drew crappy stuff with Jia Xin online

/omg. I just realised that I didn't take any pictures during the dinner. /omg

the only pic taken during dinner was Tan san and me.

CREDITS to Jonny hahaha.

I managed to candid him when he was trying to candid me hah!

and why does your finger look gay here?

see, another attempted candid shot.

Off to Starbucks for Attempted studying.

Jonny adding whipped cream into my Caramel Macchiato -__-

but that's not the point. It's the 12 megapixels camera that I'm gonna steal one day.

I love ittttt.

see all the chio pics it takes??

see, it even makes a picture like this look okay.

I saw a freak, and his name was Jonny.

Just kidding! :p

How can I not steal it?

so much for ATTEMPTED studying.

There were so many other pics, but since somebody didn't look like somebody, he preferred to not have it posted.

And since, he cropped my ugly legs out. I shall not post them too :D

I love love this pic. It's so chun-ted.

Look at my eyesssssss.

And we look so frosty. Nvm, Xmas is coming!

Just found this fun.

And my favourite picture?

No other than this one :)


It was supposed to be an intended candid shot when I was on the phone.

TOO BAD! I was too fast for the camera.

- アンタもアタシと同じク楽しカッたの?


Name: Jonny said...


princessKamen said...

what shy shy.
jangan malu malu. itu tidak baik. you ialah gaijin dan gaijin tidak malu punya.
omg. my Malay is getting bad.