O Hai.
Caught up with JY today since he came back from US. This lucky bitch with summer break is already on the plane to Australia, and when he comes back, he'll be planning his Korea or Japan trip. Bitch.
Had lunch with him at Zanmai today, again. It's the second time I'm having sushi in the week already.
Went back to MV again with Flo later on at night. Very very random. We initially wanted to have dinner somewhere near my place, and my place had nothing to eat nearby. So we then decided to eat at Taman Desa, which is the nearest to my house (and apparently it has loads of food around).
But the Cousin wasn't at home so we didn't know the good stuffs over there
So we detoured to MV, which was the second nearest place to my house. Hmmm.
Feels quite peaceful listening to this song. Well, it's pretty much an emo song though (knowing me, haha). But it's really nice! It's my new loop song kinda thing haha. Fell in love with it the first time I heard it (Thank you, you - for the song!). Haha maybe cuz I really like the lyrics a lot.
While I'm conquering the last frontier
One day you'll understand how much you have me
I can't offer you the future - I don't know it myself
All I can offer you is me
I'm all I can offer you right now.
Ok la, basically this is the gist of it. I summarised this from Wiki cuz it's too long for me to copy and paste haha wtf.