Monday, May 04, 2009

Would You Watch Me Fall?

...or would you hold on to me?

Sometimes, I feel really lost. And there's this very agitated feeling, where I don't know what to do. I don't know. This caught in between feeling? Maybe.

I wanna dance, literally.

I wanna hit the beach, and feel the wind.

I wanna know, cuz I'm so unsure.

I wanna flee, into somewhere I belong.

I wanna run, escaping reality.

I wanna take a step forward, yet I'm too afraid.

It's like I'm walking on tightrope, one wrong step - and I'll fall, again.

Maybe I should just turn back, and stay where I am. And maybe - just maybe, someone might find me here, right where I am.

I don't know.

I'm too afraid. Not just me, but the people around me too.

They tend to tell me to be careful now. After my continuous past failures. Yes, plural, if you know what I mean.

I dare not touch anything. I'm just afraid it'll break the minute I lay my hands on it, it happens all the time.

Or at least I'm trying to refrain myself from doing so, cuz it just feels too fragile. And when it breaks, it'll cut through me - again.

But what do I have to give?

I'm just a person whom he's forgotten.

I can't promise to let you be by my side yet

Cuz I'm just afraid you'll become like me.

- 谢谢你的温柔 by Fahrenheit & S.H.E

- Would you help me find myself and hold on to me... while I'm struggling on tightrope?

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