Friday, February 27, 2009


was the number of Saturday classes I had to attend in preparation of my JLPT Level 1 exams.

I don't know why but I have a feeling that this is gonna be a lenthy post. So, be prepared.

Finally got the results today. I passed! Finally. Now I've got my JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level 4, 3, 2 and 1. I'm so happy :)

Come to think of it, this class made a remarkable impact on this certain stage of my life, so far. This class of course, was the main reason why I managed to pass this crazy exam. I'm so thankful. There lies another reason however, to the significance of this course.

This class, was also how I met you. Our paths would never have intercepted if it wasn't for these Saturday classes.

When I first met you, I remember it was on the day when we had to sit for the entrance exam to qualify for the course. I had a different impression of you. I've even heard of you before I entered the class for the entrance exam. I have been told that there was a noisy boy inside the class, with girls chatting him up. He's not local, he's from New Zealand, they told me. I wasn't really bothered at that time, really. At that time, I never knew things would turn out this way today.

The next time I saw you, was on the first day of class. That was when I learnt of your name. Nice name, I thought. I've always favoured that name. We met outside class at the library, and that was the first time, we smiled and merely acknowledged each other.

Weeks passed, there were times when I'd wonder what happened when you were absent from class. I remember, you just sat right opposite me. We could see each other so clearly, so subtle. Yet we never talked. Just the mere hi and byes.

Oh, and I remember how you'd take the lift with me - cuz I was terrified of taking the lift alone. Since then, you were always there. And I still remember how you tricked me one afternoon, just to make me smile.

Too many things happened. Small things they were, yet so big. Numbing all my senses, making me vulnerable to you. That was when you made me fall, so deeply for you.

All in 10 classes, 20 hours. We started when the course ended, how beautiful.

And here we are today, marking the 27th - two months since I was petrified by your sudden departure.

- We had something so beautiful, yet it was gone in a blink of an eye. It past us by as if it had never happened, like a fading dream.

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