Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Euphoric Depression.

Finally, the pictures.

The rest are in Facebook, but it's being a real bitch to me. So slowwww.




Yes, I smiled showing my teeth :)

Well,we had time to make out. Wtf.

Until we realised bout Xinny the papparazzi.

Wtf I can't spell that word.


Chingy look so disturbed here lol.

Nah, an un-emo post :x

Now I feel emo, cuz my notes ain't neat. And I'm supposed to be putting them right, yet here I am, blogging. Okay, that was a joke. But I'm really bothered bout my notes, I don't like em messy. Imma go sort them out now.

Smileee, you bunch of emo people.

- I suddenly remembered today, that you promised me... A promise I thought we had forgotten. You promised that we'd meet again that night. Had you forgotten?

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