Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Remember...

That we'd stay up late,
Chatting to each other,
Seeing each other do stupid things in front of the camera,
And only sleep during the wee hours of the morning,

Because you loved me.

That you'd wake up and talk to me,
When you were halfway asleep,
Just to cheer me up,

Because you loved me.

That you'd call
Right before your meeting at work,
Just to wish me Good Morning,

Because you loved me.

Reminiscence, nostalgia. It wasn't long ago, yet it felt so far away. Perhaps, I've accepted the fact that you're no longer by my side. It isn't such a bad thing after all, the fact that we've ended this way.

Forgotten yesterdays, as it was too distant to remember,
Faded like smoke from the cigarette you always had,
Our smiles dissolved as though it had never existed.
Or maybe the day has come,
When I no longer remember your kisses
And you have forgotten my touch.

I just can't seem to find my way back.

Lost in a tangled mess.

I'd attempt to walk alone under the pouring rain,
Hoping that you wouldn''t see that
I'm crying.

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