Friday, January 09, 2009

For Once.

...LiHong has provided me with fruitful information.

Yesterday, we were discussing about the war between Israel and Gaza, about how dumb it actually started.

Today, my lect was talking about it during Consti lectures. About how dumb it was, how everything started with Gaza landing homemade rockets at them and the number of people who died.

No la, it didn't feel as godlike as it was previously but still, at least it wasn't Greek again.

Conclusion is, LuHong - you shall Google more random stuff and tell me about it ahaha.

Somehow, the lect reminded me of you. The way he speaks, the way he thinks, the way he is :)

By the way, anyone has plans for tonight? I'm free to go out tonight.

it's a rare thing loves.

- I wonder how it would be, the next time I were to see you.

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